
East and West London
Being Notes of Common Life and Pastoral Work
in Saint James's, Westminster and in Saint Georges'-in-the-East

by the Rev Harry Jones, Rector of Saint George's-in-the-East (Smith, Elder & Co, London 1875)

Harry Jones wrote this two years after moving here from a deprived parish in Westminster, St Luke Berwick Street, where he had been Vicar since 1858, having served two other curacies in that area. St Luke's [map right] had been carved out of St James Piccadilly as a district church in 1839, becoming a separate parish in 1863 (it closed in 1935). His main theme - which he often loses sight of - was to compare the East and West Ends (or at least that part of the West End where he had worked), challenging the gulf that existed between these two worlds, which as he says in the opening chapters was psychological rather than physical.

It is a work of popular journalism, with many rhetorical flourishes and humorous touches, and was written - as he admits - hastily, from a disorganised bundle of scraps of paper. So there is some repetition, and inconsistency: a Bill which he hopes Parliament will approve has become an Act by the end of the book! But this is what makes it interesting, because of the changes afoot in that year: slum clearance, with the Artisans' Dwellings Act; the building of the East London Railway (on which he sets great store, referring to it at several points); and, in the parish, the creation of St George's Gardens, of which he was the prime mover. (He also had high hopes of the Thames Steam Ferry from Wapping to Rotherhithe, but this was not a success.) Notes and links on these issues are added to his text at appropriate points.

He is at pains to present the East in a positive light. Several times he says we have more space: wider main roads, open air (yes, there is pollution, but the prevailing east wind blows our smuts to the west!), the proximity of the river (providing catholicity and cosmopolitanism), and - for some at least  - less cramped housing than in Westminster (though he also has much to say about overcrowding, and the insanitary maze of courts, in both districts). He likes the attitude of the people, the best of whom are sharp, lively and not unduly deferential. He has a particular regard for the 'dignity of manual labour' (he doesn't use the phrase, but it is a theme of his theological mentors), marvelling especially at the quietly confident skill of the dockers' teamwork in handling complex tasks - though he also despairs for those trapped in ill-paid and repetitive work.

His Christian Socialist convictions inform his attitudes. He is careful nearly always to put 'the poor' in inverted commas, and to propose schemes for bettering their lot rather than simply condemning those who resort to drink and other evils to cope with daily life. With his curate R.H. Hadden (whose East End Chronicle of 1880 also discusses some contemporary issues in the parish) he was a keen supporter of the nascent Charity Organisation Society, opposing casual out-relief and looking for more professional interventions which would spare parsons from the task of being one-man welfare agencies, which damaged their reputation and hindered their proper work, which is the ministry of word and sacraments. But strategic 'semi-secular' work - on issues such as sanitation and housing - was also important, as an expression of the doctrine of the incarnation.

This is part 1 of 4, with the following chapters:

see part 2 for:
Pastoral and Ecclesiastical Economy ~ Parochial Subdivision ~ Church Endowments ~ Religious Opinion ~ Lay Help

see part 3 for:
Trades and Industries

see part 4 for:
Education ~ Sailors' Homes ~ Social, Physical and Civic Life ~ Trials, Hopes and Prospects

I HAVE penned most of this little volume at odd
times in the course of a very busy year, and finished it in my holydays; but, however short it may come of my wishes and its title, it is at any rate no mere hasty utterance.

I have tried to set plainly down something of what I have seen, and some of the conclusions to which I have been led, during a ministry of twenty-five years in several parts of London. Thus, whether I have learned aright from it or not, at least I speak from experience.

As, however, the chief matters of which I write, such as pastoral economy, education, and sanitary or social improvements, are neither new nor of themselves necessarily entertaining, I have not scrupled to garnish them with some touches of natural life that have happened to come in my way; for I want my little book to be read, and not thrown aside as a mere dull contribution to the large store of current published opinions on questions of a civil and ecclesiastical character.

I have written it with deep interest in the grave subjects of which it mainly treats, and I hope to engage the sympathy of those who are anywise concerned in promoting the welfare of their fellows, and, though they may occasionally differ from him, are willing to hear what a man of some experience has to say about matters which no thoughtful worker, or well-wisher of his kind, regards with indifference.

I may add that, in speaking about various modes of Church work, I have been conscious of a desire to avoid strictly theological questions, and I hope I have successfully resisted that tendency to sermonise, with which we parsons are sometimes credited, when we talk of things with which we are continuously and professionally occupied.

In respect of divers facts referred to in the following pages, I have avoided any display of statistics. For some details in the latter part of the Chapter on Trades and Industries, I have used information supplied in a series of interesting articles on these matters now being published in the East London Observer. I enter on no archaeological or historical ground, and chiefly confine myself to those characteristics of current social life and pastoral work in the East and West of
London which have come under my own observation.

Harry Jones
Rectory, St. George's in the East: October, 1875


I dip my pen to write the first line of this book with a consciousness that it must be rather egoistic if written at all.

It is a rough impression of my own experience and opinions; and, do what I will, I cannot help using a large number of capital I's in its compilation. The subject is one which ought especially to interest Londoners; and as I have been repeatedly asked about it by friends, I fancy that some others may care to read what is at least an honest record of personal observation.

Circumstances led me some two years ago to move from a populous Western district of which I had long had charge - that of St. Luke's, Berwick Street, in St. James's, Westminster - to St. George's in the East, a large parish lying a little beyond the Tower, and containing the London Docks.

Thus I have the opportunity of bringing the experience of many years in the West to the observation of the East.

The result hitherto has been the correction of much of my own ignorance and the dissipation of some prejudice. As soon as I came I began in an aimless sort of way, sometimes even as I walked along the street, jotting down impressions on scraps of paper, just as they occurred, without any order or connection, and stuffing them into a large envelope. This has now grown ready to burst, and after emptying the heap of pencil notes upon my study table I have tried to assimilate and reproduce them. I cannot, however, transform this papery jumble into a severely connected record. Thus, if any one cares to be my reader, I must ask him to forgive me for the discursive and colloquial shape of my attempt; for, after all, I must offer the fruit of my observation much as it was gathered.

My first impression was, perhaps, of the nearness of the East of London to the West. The East is, to many who dwell in the West, an unknown distant land. Anything beyond the City is indefinitely remote. I lived close to the Langham Hotel, and on the occasion of my first taking Sunday duty at St. George's I hailed a crawling cab in Portland Place and drove there. To my surprise it landed me at the gate of my new church in twenty-eight minutes. Of course, it being Sunday, the streets were clear, but I had not urged the driver to any special speed. The next week I got the jailor at the Marlborough Street police-court to go over my course with the fatal wheel which decides the disputes between cabmen and their 'fares'. The distance from the Oxford Street Circus to the iron gate of the church at St. George's in the East turned out to be something under four miles - a verdict which several cabmen have since heard with much professional affectation of scepticism; but on my informing them of my authority they have shown by their acquiescence that they had drawn upon their faith in the vaguely exaggerated public conceptions of the remoteness of the East in attempting to decline half-a-crown for the journey.

It is not, however, the actual distance so much as the throng in the City which divides the East of London from the West.

By day Westminster and Whitechapel are, so to speak, on the opposite sides of a thick wood; but at night, or when the road is clear, they are easily joined by a half-hour's drive. The railways, from whichever side they approach it, as yet only empty themselves into the rim round the centre of London; and thus they have hitherto done little toward bringing the suburbs together. Wherever you alight there is the same dense core to be penetrated and passed through before an opposite terminus can be reached. Presently, however, there will be one connecting line between at least the East and West.

The East London Railway, which runs through the old Thames Tunnel and is burrowing under the London Docks, will, by striking into the Great Eastern Low Level, meet the extension of the Metropolitan at Liverpool Street, and thus provide a new way through part of the parishes of Bethnal Green, Stepney, and St. George's in the East, from Paddington to the Sydenham district, and so on to Brighton. This will of course immensely benefit us Easterners. Now we have no wholly unimpeded road westward but the river. This in summer-time provides a cheap and pleasant access to Westminster by the Greenwich boats which call at various piers above the Tower.

This is the first of a number of references to the East London Railway, which was being built through the parish from Wapping to Whitechapel, utilising the existing Thames tunnel, and demolishing slum housing in its wake. It did not in fact run through trains across south London - let alone to Brighton - in his day; but it now forms part of London Overground - the 'Outer Circle' line - with through trains from Highbury & Islington to Clapham Junction and elsewhere.

After all, however, the East is very much farther from the West than the West is from the East.

When I lived near the line of Regent Street, I intended for years to make an expedition to the Ratcliff Highway; but I was deterred, I imagine, chiefly by the supposed length of the trip. Now that I live near the Highway I find that I can get easily, by three or four routes, to my old neighbourhood in from half an hour to forty-five minutes.

The second general impression I received of the East of London was in respect to its spaciousness. Anyone may perceive this who penetrates and then traverses the City from the West, and after passing the 'Butcher's Row' at Aldgate enters on either of the broad thoroughfares, traversed by trams, which are called the Commercial Road or the Mile End Road. These, shortly after leaving the City, become two of the widest streets in London, and the pavement in the Mile End Road in particular is proportionately as wide as the roadway.

Commercial Road, providing a direct route between the City and the eastern docks, was laid out in 1802-06, and began at Aldgate High Street. Butcher's Row was originally the area where animals were slaughtered to avoid the tax on taking live animals into the City, and in Harry Jones' time a row of butchers' shops, with slaughtering facilities to the rear, remained. The image [left] shows this stretch around 1875, with a horse-drawn tram in the foreground - electric trams came in the early years of the 20th century.

They are characteristic of the East, and branching off from them on either side may be seen long tributaries of modest houses, many, I may say most of them, only two stories high, in which rent is low and where the tenants get plenty of elbow-room.

The Mile End Road dies out into the country - which, by the way, involves Epping Forest - with a growing fringe of villas; and the Commercial Road justifies its name more and more as it goes on and reveals, by the masts of the ships in the docks, its connection with the maritime commerce of London.

In 1856 the City of London opened a large cemetery on the edge of Epping Forest, where many parishioners were buried following the closure of the parish churchyard, which Harry Jones, as he explains here, campaigned to turn into a public garden.

To recur to that part of the East which is daily before me, and which lies immediately on the right of the Commercial Road after passing Whitechapel. It eminently impresses me with the sense of spaciousness. In this my present parish presents a remarkable contrast to the district in which I had worked for some years. There my church was jammed up so tightly in the centre of a crowd of courts that a stranger walking down Berwick Street, at the bottom of which it was placed, might traverse nearly the whole street and come away without suspecting that it contained a church at all.

Here the church dominates - in a material sense - the whole parish, and has a disused church yard of some three acres at its foot, or, rather, heel. There, at St. Luke's, we had a densely crowded population. That of the Berwick Street division of St. James's, Westminster, has been stated in published statistics to be the most crowded in the metropolis. My reader may believe me or not, but I am speaking the truth when I tell him that we had 10,000 people in 300 yards square. Here the streets are wider, the houses are less closely packed together, and poor people especially have more room. There, an artisan in the receipt of good wages is frequently obliged to content himself with one apartment, which serves for all purposes, and for which he pays some five or six shillings a-week. Here he can get a whole house of four rooms, with a commodious yard at its back, for about the same sum.

Many people entertain a vaguely erroneous idea of the crowded 'slums' of the East. For the worst or most frequent specimens of 'slums' they should go to some parts of central London, or even some portions of St. James's, Westminster, and its contiguous parishes. Of course there are not a few vile corners and courts in the East; but, on the whole, the working classes are much better lodged here at St. George's than in those parts of the West of which I know most. And our neighbouring parishes of Stepney and Limehouse have fewer crowded corners than we have. Then, too - I speak of the districts which skirt the river - an enormous sense of space is afforded by the docks. These give us, moreover, something beyond a sense of space - a touch of catholicity or cosmopolitanism which is hard to be defined, though very real. It was a new sensation to me when walking down a street to see its whole width gradually filled up by, say, a full-rigged tea-ship from China, which, after months of plunging in tropical seas, was now creeping through the last few yards of its progress to some calmest nook within the docks, and, like a monster vessel in a play, crossed the stage silently with even keel.

All sorts of ships thus traverse St. George's, and, as may be supposed, contribute to the stream in its streets as well as to the crowd in its waters. You hear many languages on its pavements, and see men in all colours of skin and dress. This passing contact and contrast of races, this mixture of land and water, of homely trucks and foreign traders, of horse-vans and steam-vessels; the tier of huge ocean-going ships, brought so close to the shore that can touch their long black sides you with your stick or umbrella as you pace the edge of the docks, produces that sentiment of proximity to the ends of the world of which I have spoken, and which adds to the sense of space that characterises this part of the East of London. And I must remark, in passing, that this evidence of relationship with other parts of the earth seems to me to have its effect on the wits of the residents in St. George's.

Education has been somewhat neglected here - more of this presently - but the people are, it strikes me, eminently shrewd and colloquially intelligent. Their acquaintance with distant commerce must, I think, account for a certain freedom from that local exclusiveness of sentiment and information which characterises many dense communities. Fresh points are given to the many-sided sharpness of London life by familiarity with distant interests.

Another phase of spaciousness appears in the interest which many of the working classes here take in the keeping of animals. I do not now refer to Mr. Jamrach, whose beasts are my parishioners -- though the fact of St. George's being notoriously the central market of the world for lions, bears, tigers, elephants, monkeys, and parrots, must create a sentiment of cosmopolitanism among those who can hear them howl and chatter - but to tamer tastes, exhibited in the possession of pigeons, fowls, and dogs. I appreciated the opportunities for this myself, and, being fond of most live things, soon had a company of cocks and hens, which resulted in abundance of fresh eggs throughout the year.

[The following highlighted paragraphs are about his fowls and dogs]
One of my fowls, born at St. George's, exhibited such a curious phase of human appreciation as to be worth record. He liked to be ' patted'. I had only to open the glass door of the parlour, which looks on the churchyard, and call 'Pip' — he answered to his name — and Pip ran up from among his colleagues to be thus coaxed. I used to feed him with corn kept in a certain cupboard in my entrance. Pip knew the cupboard well, and when he could make his way into the house used to plant himself before it in an attitude of anticipation. But this fowl suffered from the precocity of genius; he overdrew the resources of his brain. As he
grew to full estate he lost much of his confidence in me, though I had done nothing to deserve the loss of it. And now, an adult and gaudy cock, though he likes corn as much as ever, he is the most nervous of the whole plumed assemblage when they present themselves under my dining-room window at breakfast-time to be fed. Perhaps he suffers from a suspicion of the uncertainty of his place in the community, for his father — a tough old gentleman, who once, with great applause, though after strenuous conflict, beat off a game-cock who invaded his harem — takes every opportunity of snubbing his son. And Pip's spirit has shrunk while his body has grown. He has become a 'Toots' in his society. Gaily dressed, and with amiable disposition, he has failed in mental development, and is in consequence proportionately underrated.

I must here, too, introduce a line about my dogs. First came, a present from a friend — 'Jem', half Newfoundland and half retriever, coal black, and endued with more capacity for heating himself in the sun than any dog I ever knew. His back, he is aware, will get warm by simple exposure; but he bakes his lower half, which is necessarily in partial shade, by straddling out his legs like an heraldic eagle, and effecting an abdominal contact with the hot stones. He delights neither to bark nor bite. Selim-ben-Guy, a noble deer-hound (likewise a present) lays hold of Jem's tail and drags hisgeood-natured carcase about backwards, like a black sledge, without more than a feeble remonstrance when Guy takes a fresh purchase with those tremendous teeth of his. I am afraid, however,of keeping Guy in London, so he mostly sojourns in the country, and pays us or receives an occasional visit.

Not so with 'Nep', whom I got in this wise. I called him 'Nep', after trying over name after name with him and finding that he answered to this. One day I was returning from Charing Cross by the steamboat, and saw in the bows a lovely brown web-footed retriever, with a tarline round bis neck, in the custody of two or three roughs, who said aloud and incidentally that they had fished him out of the river as he was being carried down by the tide.

Nep caught my eye, and looked at me with such a petitioning glance that I went up and spoke to him. If ever dog replied, he begged me to take him home. I remarked, half to myself, knowing that it is famous for its brown retrievers, 'That dog came from Maldon in Essex'. Nep's keepers understood me, I suppose (I didn't think of it till afterwards) to claim the knowledge, not of his breed, but of his owner's address, and promptly replied, 'If the gentleman will give us half-a-crown for finding him he shall have him'. So I tendered the half-crown, with the condition that they should let me have the tarline too, and led him off when we touched at the Thames Tunnel Pier, which is our landing-place at St. George's. But he wanted no leading. At once, and permanently, he accepted me as his master, and — I having failed to discover his owner — remains the sharpest of house dogs. His passion, though, for the water, exceeds that of any water dog I ever possessed. I took him down for some time into the country, where there was a large shallow muddy pond. All day long Nep busied himself in ploughing the bottom of it with his nose, and bringing ashore every stone and saturated stick he thus discovered, till the pool had quite a fringe of these rescued treasures. Of course this procedure kept Nep's face shamefully dirty, and had to be prohibited. He will, however, 'tub' himself, though with an eye to the sensation of being wet rather than to that of cleanliness. He gets with all his four legs into a tub of water, and ducks his head under it, then he splashes himself with his fore paws. But he does not seem to know how to wet his back. Nep once lost himself in the streets of St. George's, and in the course of his rounds came upon the river. I had given him up for lost, when one Sunday a smiling policeman brought him back in custody. He had my name on his collar — not the constable, but the dog — and from 'information received' I gathered he had been for four days accepting the civilities of young mud-larks or shore-boys, who had incessantly thrown sticks in the water for him during that period. He seemed to have eaten nothing, being as lean as a basket, and was wet to the bone; but the temptation had been too much for him. He had tasted a Paradise of splashes, and thought of nothing else. Nep thinks, however. When the first frost came this last winter, his pan of water was slightly frozen. Nep, finding his thirsty nose mystically repelled, at once stepped back and broke the ice with a blow of his right paw. He is completely the master of Jem, and would chastise Selim-ben-Guy, when troublesome, if he could catch him. Jem somehow soon infringed, unawares, the limits of that armed neutrality exhibited between dogs when they first meet; and Nep, though much less in size, tumbled him about in the churchyard like a kitten, and made him lift up his voice and cry, even when he had done with him. In fact, after this unexpectedly brisk introduction, Jem went off and blubbered by himself among the tombstones on the north side of the church. Guy sometimes cannot resist trying a sudden haul at Nep's tail, which is attractively bushy, and offers an excellent grip; but on Nep's resenting this liberty, which he always does, and furiously, shows him his heels in a frolicsome circuitous gallop, intended to be construed as part of the game. Nep meanwhile hunts him angrily, though hopelessly, till he is tired, Guy throughout insisting on looking upon the whole affair as a joke, enjoyed equally by both parties. But Nep does not see it.

I hope my readers will forgive this digression. It is, however, illustrative of the sense of space which impressed me on going to what is loosely reckoned by some as one of the densely crowded and dull districts in London.

There is a sentiment of elbow-room and manifold life at St. George's which is felt and reflected by its natives. Not that they do not work, and work hard. No one can live in the East without perceiving this. Life has a very severe and importunate side in these parts. The air is heavily charged with the sentiment of toil, and there is little to stir it. We seem not only to be always at work, but we hardly ever have a glimpse of the unoccupied side of London life. Every one appears either to have something to do or to be seeking work. I except, of course, the phase of relaxation, often grossly offensive, exhibited by sailors ashore, who crowd as much coarse indulgence as possible into the few hours at their disposal. Otherwise, all are obviously about some business. No one dreams of a carriage airing in this part of the East. Here I have never seen a coachman in a wig, or a footman in powder. I have never met a lady on horseback, or a 'Victoria'; and, though we go much about on foot, such a luxury as a crossing-sweeper is unknown. I tax my memory but I do not recollect ever to have seen a 'Punch' at St. George's. As I think about it I perceive that here the strain of work and sentiment of toil is continuous. It is unbroken by the exhibition of equipages and pleasure seekers that marks the 'London Season'. Here our only 'seasons' are summer and winter. We are hot or cold, but we are always at work. September is marked by no difference in the aspect of our streets. We have no fixed busy time, for all times are the same. We do not know when London is 'full' or 'empty', When Parliament meets or disperses. The only annual event which makes a distinct impression on the neighbourhood is the Cambridge and Oxford boat-race. Then the smallest little draper's shop down the loneliest and dullest street breaks out in blue ribands, and the van horses toiling up Old Gravel Lane from the Docks wear their colour. The papers tell those who please to read such information, of Gun Clubs, Polo Clubs, Four-in Hand Gatherings, Lord's Cricket-matches, Garden Parties, Annual Exhibitions, and all the machinery of pleasure and play, whose wheels are set going from Easter till August, but no echo of this yearly stir reaches us here.

We live much from hand to mouth. Every farthing has to be earned, and a sixpence is severely perceived to be worth six pennies. True there is some pretext for relaxation associated with Victoria Park and the Bethnal Green Museum, but here we sorely want some mollifying influence, some commentary of ornament. The strain of toil is too importunate. An illustration of the general acceptance of the prevailing necessity of work in these parts appears in the use that is made of the big bell of our church - a use of it which, I fancy, would not be tolerated in the West of London.

° A 'Victoria' was the recent name for a superior French-style type of carriage, used by the gentry. Less grand - though still expensive - was the four-wheeled four-seater 'Clarence' or 'growler' [because of its tyre noise] and the two-wheeled one- or two-seater hansom cab, à la Sherlock Holmes - but not regarded as respectable for ladies.
° Crossing-sweepers, who swept a path across dirty streets for the rich in return for a gratuity, were a common sight 'up West': Henry Mayhew and Charles Dickens wrote about them.
° From the end of the 18th century, mobile Punch and Judy booths (with one puppeteer and a 'bottler' who collected money from the crowds)  performed on street corners in more affluent areas. See here for a somewhat dubious use of Punch and Judy by William Quekett!
° The Cambridge and Oxford boat race (as Harry Jones, a Cambridge man, appropriately terms it) was first staged in 1829. Sponsorship now means that it is the 'BNY Mellon Boat Race'.
Victoria Park - the 'People's Park' - is 2½ miles away, in the Hackney/Bow/Bethnal Green part of the borough; it was opened in 1845.
° The Bethnal Green Museum was opened by the Prince of Wales in 1872;  originally a somewhat motley collection, including items from the 1851 Great Exhibition, it  was re-organised in the 1920s to become more child-friendly, and became the Museum of Childhood in  1974.
° For the benefit of younger readers: a farthing [right] was a quarter of a penny (¼d.) - half- and third-farthing coins also existed.

The parish is proud of its peal of bells. There are eight of them, and at a little distance, or on Sunday before service, they sound well; though practices and rehearsals fill every room, within the radius of some hundred yards or so, with a tremendous din. We have, too, a sonorous clock, which chimes the quarters and strikes the hours with a will. Besides ordinary marking of time by the clock, the curfew is regularly rung; and so is the morning alarum.

Here are details of the current ring of eight bells - recast after the Blitz as a lighter ring, lower down the tower (and with a sound reduction system for practices and rehearsals); but there is no longer a clock, and we have no details of this.

St. George's is the only place I know of in which the curfew fulfils some of its original purpose. Directly the clock has done striking eight it tolls for a quarter of an hour; and I am informed that it gives the signal for the cessation of work and the turning-off of the gas in divers workshops.

But the tolling of the day is preeminently in the morning. Then the big bell is rung for fifteen minutes before six, with irregular clang. Sometimes a few strokes are less vigorous than others, but they are never equidistant, and they are always strong. The purpose of this peal or metal monologue is not so much to herald the hour at which work should begin as to awaken the workers, and as it has been so rung for years by the same man he has become an expert in the business. The sleeping ear might survive an even unvarying sound, such as the striking of a clock, but it could hardly outsleep the strain of our alarum.

Did Mr. Fleming, our awakener, toll the bell with the same regularity and force as that which announces the hour, I believe that many might sleep through the summons, though he sounded it for a quarter of an hour. It is remarkable how soon the ear learns to accommodate itself to a recurrent sound, when it is simply and evenly repeated. But Mr. Fleming knows better than merely to reproduce his message. He never precisely repeats his morning performance; sometimes he tolls rapidly and loudly for a minute, then pausing for some fifty seconds, he gives a couple of clangs which seem to discharge an accumulated store of sound. Then, after another silence, he lets off an other big bang; to wait again during a parenthesis which is broken by a score of strokes, that increase in loudness, and crowd so closely on each other, that one wonders how he can get the heavy clapper to obey his tugs with sufficient rapidity. But his great and expiring effort arrives when the chimes begin to precede the striking of six o'clock. Then, stimulated by the additional perception that he can produce a discord as well as a noise, he pulls with a will, and produces a tocsin so complicated and vehement, that if the sleeper has outslept even the summons of the previous fifteen minutes, he must awake, at least if he lives anywhere near the church. My house adjoins it. Its tower is so close that I can hear the rattle of the rope and the groan of the wheel before each metal 'boom'. And when the last stroke of six has been struck in a storm of accompanying clangour from the heavy alarum bell, the air long remains filled with an angry hum, as if the emperor of all the hornets was flying around the room. And this is done summer and winter, wet and dry. No wonder, if I have not finally contracted a habit of early rising, that I frequently find myself in my study at six o'clock.

Here, in this tocsin, this alarum, which is meant to be intolerable, and so borne with, we have remarkable witness to the general acceptance of the necessity of work in these parts. A great feature of the business here is cartage. The goods brought into dock from over the seas are incessantly being dispersed by wheel and axle. When the tocsin ceases you presently begin to hear a dull, distant rumble of wheels as the vans start for their day's work.

Barring the bells, however, which really represent 'noise' only to those who live close to them, this, though a populous and busy part of London, is tolerably quiet. The rectory, which stands a little off the street, is remarkably free from the usual London noises. Though I can discern the dull grind of wheels down Cannon Street Road, most of our vehicles move slowly. They are heavily laden. There is hardly any of the sharp penetrating rattle which is made by swift carriages and cabs; and the disturbance, lasting into the small hours of the morning, created by a contiguous late 'party' in the season is, of course, unknown.

The route of the Blackwall Railway, which traverses the parish, is distantly indicated by its whistles, but I hear little of the trains. Late at night, when the public-houses are emptied, there is an accession of shouts and singing, mostly from sailors abusing their liberty ashore by getting more or less drunk. But, curiously enough, to us this clamour seems to come from the church, which 'corners' on the rectory. The west front of its tower catches and reflects the noises that arise from the street. When I first heard these I fancied that some riotous party had made its way into the churchyard, but I soon found that they were strictly the echoes of that nocturnal dissipation \vhich may be heard everywhere in the neighbourhood of publicans, especially when they turn their customers out of doors. There is another sound, too, which is more constant in the evenings, and which for a long time I could not make out. I thought several times that somebody had upset a chair or table in the next room but one. It was as if a visitor was announcing his call by kicking intermittently at the outer gate with his shoes off. At last I found that these dull thuds came from a covered skittle-alley some fifty yards off. What I heard was that from the successful shots of the players. The sounds we hear are, however, altogether less than what one might expect from Ratcliff Highway. Most of the other streets are usually quiet enough, the liquor houses being chiefly congregated in our main thoroughfares.

See here for the story of the creation of schools in the arches under the Blackwall Railway.
The comment about the concentration of 'liquor houses' on St George's and Cable Streets is broadly true, though they existed on many other corners: - see this list, and this map from the early 20th century.

As to the street organs and bands which plague the West End, I cannot say that I have heard one while sitting indoors at St. George's. There are a few to be met with sometimes, but very few. I seem never to hear them. Nor is there anything like the commercial row which costermongers used to make under my windows a few yards from Portland Place. There they incessantly proceeded, two to a barrow, day after day, offering onions, rhubarb, what not, in a yell, hour after hour, without ever, as far as I could perceive, meeting with any response to their tremendous proposals. Here, too, we have no roaring liars or frozen-out gardeners.

Indeed, barring the bells, our chief household noises arise from our own cocks and hens, which record their domestic events with more cackling than I ever heard in connection with them. The vividness with which these are heard says much for the general quiet of our surroundings. When I am saying the daily morning service in the church hard by, I can distinctly note the advertisement of another egg.

[A further digression on cats and dogs]
Before I close this rambling introductory chapter, I am reminded by the last sentences, which recall the living animals about my house, that I may be pardoned for saying a word or two more concerning Nep and Selim-ben-Guy. I have been much exercised in observing their characters, which reveal such an amount of jealousy between them as I have never known dogs exhibit. They cannot agree long, do what I will, since each devours me with demands, not only for scraps, but for personal notice. Sometimes one will not come into the dining-room when he knows that the other is there, and when they are both present they occasionally snarl at each other so much so as to make their joint company and conversation undesirable.

Nep is a singular dog, with very marked individualities. He exhibits the extremes of affection and irascibility. If he is set to guard anything — say a pair of boots — woe be to anyone beside a recognised personage who should attempt to touch them. He will at least growl at anyone except a member of the household who enters the kitchen. With all this anxious attitude of defence or defiance, he brims with the uttermost joy on the recurrence of stated occasions. Every morning he repairs to my dressing-room with as boisterous a welcome as if I had been round the world and he had not seen me for a twelvemonth. He rushes upstairs with seemingly a hundred legs, and bursts into my room jumping with all four feet off the ground at the same time in a paroxysm of greeting. I never saw a dog so leap with excess of feeling. His saltations are varied with a gesture I never saw before in a dog. He comes to my feet and essays to lay his head under them. When he has performed this obeisance he trots about the room with the tread of a cob. At any time, however, if I say, 'Nep, abase yourself', he submits his neck as if he wished it to be trodden on, and licks my boots.

He is an obstinate dog, though. One day I sent him with my servant to Victoria Park for a swim, and once in the water he would not come out. My man found, though, that this prolonged bath was forbidden by the police, and had to go to the police-station to answer for Nep's obstinacy. Meanwhile Nep swam about in the middle of the water till he was tired. He cannot bear cats or kittens, though he manages to confine his dislike to grinning and growling at them. In this he is wholly unlike Selim-ben-Guy, with whom they take all manner of liberties. I have one or two cats, and a succession of resultant kittens. Now, our senior churchwarden has been kind enough to give Guy a big round basket, in which he sleeps, and when he goes to bed his little friends coil themselves up in his indentations. In fact, he reposes 'levelled up' with kittens.

Note. — Since I have written this chapter a muffled peal has been rung for our chief bell-ringer, Mr. Fleming. I paid my last visit to him just before he died, and shall not soon forget the smile which lit up his old face when I went into his room. He died mainly of old age, and stuck to his duty till he was laid up in his bed. The last time he went up the winding turret stairs to pull his bell he had to sit down on the stone steps two or three times for breath. But he got into the belfry and tolled his parting curfew.

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